Members present: William Cavanaugh, Mark Karlberg, George Fuller
Others Present: Richard Furlong, Colleen O’Connor, Beth VanNess, Gerry Galliher, David Bonney, Dan Sexton, Mercedes Gallagher, Ann Krawet, Gale LaBelle
7:01 PM Meeting opened.
It was announced that Beth VanNess was audio taping the meeting.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: Bill commended the highway department for doing a good job keeping the roads clear this winter.
Bill motioned to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2011 meeting as presented, Mark seconded. George abstained. Motion passed.
Public Input: Colleen O’Connor asked if the town received the water test results from the new well at fire station #1. Richard advised that the well has not been tested yet because the pump has not been installed. This will happen in the spring.
Dan Sexton, of Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, addressed the Board regarding the well and septic survey report that he completed. He explained how they located the well and septic systems. He explained that 9 out of 86 properties did not have the wells and septic systems identified. He tried to contact the owners of these properties but was never able to get this information from them. There was not enough money to complete water testing. The cost associated with doing water tests for North Becket would be about $10,000. He advised that there are no grants available for just water testing. He advised that the town could try to find funding that would help with the testing and if there were problems with a lot of the wells, than the town could look into having a few
community wells located throughout North Becket Village. There may be grants available that could fund community wells. He reviewed a list of recommendations for the town. One recommendation would be to regionalize the Board of Health. Briefly discussed having the Board of Health regionalized. This would assist the Board of Health complete the requirements that are needed. Bill asked Dan if he had seen the article in The Beacon regarding a water quality committee that the governor has put together. He did not see it. Richard will try to find the article and email it to Dan. Briefly discussed having community wells versus having a sewage treatment plant.
The Selectmen discussed appointing Howard Lerner as associate member to the Planning Board. David Bonney asked if he was a resident of Becket. Gale LaBelle advised that he was a resident of Becket and that all three of the Planning Board members that were present at their meeting tonight voted to appoint him as associate member. Mark motioned to appoint Howard Lerner as associate member to the Planning Board term to expire June 30, 2011, Bill seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen discussed changing meeting schedule back to the first and third Wednesday of every month. Bill motioned to change the Board of Selectmen meetings to the first and third Wednesdays of every month starting in March, Mark seconded. The Selectmen could always schedule emergency meetings whenever they needed to. All in favor.
Richard advised that there are two articles that need to go on town meeting warrants regarding the Wired West initiative. There needs to be two separate meetings to vote on articles for Wired West. Robert Ronzio, the representative on the Wired West committee, would like the first town meeting to be before the Annual Town Meeting. If the Selectmen vote to do this then the warrant for this meeting would need to be signed at the next Selectmen’s meeting. George felt that the cost to have a special town meeting for just one article was too expensive and thought that the first article should go on the annual town meeting warrant. The second article could go on a special town meeting warrant in the fall. Richard advised that that would be a better time to hold a special town meeting
because you are more apt to have other items to go on the warrant. Bill motioned to place the initial Wired West article on the Annual Town Meeting warrant, Mark seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen discussed hiring a new town administrator. Richard advised that he wrote a letter to Craig Kleman but sent it to the town attorney to review before he sent it out. The Selectmen reviewed the letter but thought that the salary should be $50,000.00 to start with this way if in a year he is doing a good job; the Selectmen could adjust his salary up. Bill motioned to authorize George Fuller to sign and send letter to Craig Kleman, with modifications, upon approval of Town Counsel, Mark seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the Ambulance Department Request for Write-Off Report. Bill motioned to grant the hardship request and write-off the first on the report and to send the rest to the collection agency, Mark seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the monthly reports of the Animal Control Officer, Ambulance Department, Police Department and Citations Issued. Briefly discussed water leaking into ambulance garage.
Any other business: Gale LaBelle advised that she has appointed a committee to work on creating a Large Wind Turbine Bylaw.
Richard advised that the town hall has been getting complaints that the Sherwood Forest Road District’s phone number is not working. The phone number that is on the SFRD website is not working and Richard feels we should have a working number for people to call when they have issues with the roads. David Bonney will look into this and advised that we could give out his phone number if someone needs to contact the road district.
Richard advised that all of the districts taxes are done.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:50 PM Bill motioned to adjourn, Mark seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman